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Links Militaria

Want to know more about militaria? Below we have some links to websites for background information. Seen an interesting site that is not yet listed here? Send us a message.

Very good database with all variants of the Medaille Winterschlacht im Osten 1941/42 or Ostmedaille and the packaging bags.

Website about military and civilian helmets used during the period of the Third Reich. An absolute must for every German helmet collector who wants to know more about them.

Reference website about the German army 1918-1945.

German-language website about German awards from the 18th century.

Showmycollection.com has a wide range for (militaria) collectors with stands and display cases for the entire collection.

Website/forum about German awards where there are many experts with knowledge about German awards. There is also a paid section with a database of originals and counterfeits. Worth it for the serious collector.

Online database with the Deutsches Kreuz, Iron Crosses, Kriegsverdienstkreuz, Wiederholungsspange, Medaille Winterschlacht im Osten and Weltkriegs Ehrenkreuz.

Dutch website with a lot of information about the NSB, WA-SS, Youth Storm, Labor Service, Orange/resistance and daily life during the war.

Very interesting website for anyone interested in the Second World War!

YouTube channel about the Iron Cross 2nd class 1939. The differences between the different makers are explained in a simple and good way in short videos. In our opinion, one of the best references on the internet!