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RZM – Reichszeugmeisterei numbers

RZM M1 – Metallabzeichen
RZM M2 – Metallabzeichen-Hilfsbetriebe
RZM M4 – Coupler lock
RZM M5 – Uniform accessory
RZM M7 – Blankwaffen
RZM M9 – Tagungsabzeichen
RZM M10 – Musikinstrumente
RZM M11 – NSDAP Auszeichnungen
RZM M12 – NSDAP Miniatur-Auszeignungen

(Click on the link to open the page with the numbers)

RZM Reichszeugmeisterei logo's
Logos Reichszeugmeisterei

To avoid problems with identification during street fighting in the Weimar Republic, Adolf Hitler ordered members of the newly founded NSDAP and the SA to wear brown shirts as early as 1925. In 1927 these uniforms were supplemented with brown caps and colored insignia, which were only available from the SA-Wirtschaftsstelle. With the growing number of members, Hitler ordered the SA command to establish a Zeugmeisterei in Munich in 1928. This office was responsible for the central supply of various uniforms, uniform parts and equipment to members of Nazi organizations. Similar Zeugmeistereien were also established in other German cities, and the Munich office was renamed Reichszeugmeisterei to indicate its leadership role.

In 1930, the Zeugmeistereien were subordinated to Franz Xaver Schwarz, who served as Reichsschatzmeister (national treasurer) of the NSDAP. When the Heimtückegesetz (Treason Act) of 1934 confirmed its exclusive right to grant licenses to manufacturers and traders, the Reichszeugmeisterei was transformed into Hauptamt VIII (Headquarters VIII) of the Beschaffungsamt der NSDAP (NSDAP Purchasing Office), with responsibility for coordinating all uniform and equipment projects. The RZM office established design, production and quality standards and published an official color chart for textiles. Manufacturers could obtain an RZM license, and by mid-1934 there were approximately 15.000 licensed production factories and craft producers, 1.500 merchants, 75.000 master tailors, and 15.000 so-called “brown shops” in the German Empire.

Each item had to be clearly marked with an RZM symbol and a unique RZM number that contained coded information about the textile sector, material group, producer number and year of production.