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Allgemeines Sturmabzeichen – Rudolf A. Karnath & Sohn


Allgemeines Sturmabzeichen – Rudolf A. Karnath & Sohn


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Nicely worn Allgemeines Sturmabzeichen without clear maker marking, but what can be attributed to the maker Rudolf A. Karnath & Sohn from Gablonz.

The “Allgemeines Sturmabzeichen” was awarded to soldiers of the German Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS who had taken part in battles as Stoßtrupps (attack groups) or Sturmgruppen (storming groups).

The insignia was instituted on 1 June 1940 by General Walther von Brauchitsch, the Supreme Commander of the German Army (Heer). Its purpose was to honor soldiers who had been involved in infantry combat showing individual bravery, determination and prowess in combat situations.

The Allgemeines Sturmabzeichen was awarded to soldiers who met the following criteria:

Participation in three separate battles as a member of a Stoßtrupp or Sturmgruppe.
Participation in combat where the enemy was defeated by hand (close combat).
Participation in battles in which outstanding achievements in leadership and skill had been made.